Wednesday, April 27, 2011

May 3 in 30 Challenge

I am joining the 3 in 30 challenge for May. I’ve seen many tweets about it since its beginning in January and it intrigued me.
This is what Ashley one of the creators says about the challenge:
 It’s been said that it takes 21 days to create new habits. Each month (approximately each 30 days) the 3in30 Challenge starts fresh. Choose up to 3 goals you’d like to work on. Then, throughout the month there will be weekly link-ups and opportunities for daily encouragement and accountability.

My 3 in 30 goals for May are:
  • Go to bed between 9 and 11 pm every night I am a terrible night owl often staying up until 2 am even if I need to get up at 6 am to say cook Easter dinner.
  • Schedule my Twitter and Facebook time. My goal is to allow 15 minutes for both in the morning, 15 minutes for Facebook after lunch and 30 minutes for Twitter in the evenings. Except for Tuesday because that’s #homechat night and once a month the 3 in 30 party.
  • Turn off my phone each night. I have a Blackberry which is both awesome and awful. I love having instant access to the internet especially with the severe weather we’ve had lately keeping me off the desktop but I have a tendency to blog hop on it when I should be sleeping. This will make the first goal a thousand times easier.
Look for my first progress up post next Thursday.
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